Calderhead High is a six year non-denominational comprehensive school located in the town of Shotts, in North Lanarkshire and serves the communities of Allanton, Hartill, Eastfield and Shotts. Shotts, a former mining town, lies midway between Edinburgh and Glasgow in a rural setting.
There are four primary schools associated with the Calderhead High School and these are Alexander Peden Primary, Allanton Primary, Dykehead Primary and Stane Primary.
Our new, state of the art school opened in August 2012. In addition to the wide range of traditional teaching areas, it provides modern, enhanced facilities including a dance studio, fitness suite, library resource area and music recording studio. In addition to this, all-weather floodlit outdoor sports facilities will be complete by January 2013.
The school is widely recognised for its commitment to extra-curricular activities, particularly of a sporting nature. The enthusiasm and commitment of the staff allows our students to be involved in football, volleyball, hockey, netball, badminton, and table tennis. In addition to these sporting activities, film-making and creative writing classes are also available for pupils to participate in.
We are fortunate to have a very active Music Department which supports a wide range of music development from traditional Scottish, through to wind bands, choirs and rock and pop groups. Our Art department works with pupils to develop talent which is regularly showcased at events and competitions throughout Scotland.
The school has an active Pupil Council system. This involves our pupils electing representatives for all year groups who meet regularly with the senior school representatives to discuss matters of mutual concern. Feedback from these meetings is provided by the senior representatives to the Senior Management Team. Pupil council members are also actively involved in Charity fund-raising, giving them the opportunity to develop their organisational skills. Fund-raising also takes place in a variety of other ways.
Many educational outings, both during and outwith curriculum time, are organised to expand the educational opportunities available to our youngsters and there is normally at least one overseas visit per session.
Calderhead High is proud of the links which have been established with parents/carers and the wider community. An ‘open-door’ approach is evident within the school and systems are well developed within the school to ensure that communication links with all connected to our school are effective.
Holistic Pupil Support is well established and consultation evenings are organised regularly to ensure that parents/carers are kept well informed of the progress of their children.
All parents are encouraged to maintain close contact with the school. Parent Forums are encouraged and our Parent Council was established in session 2008/09 to maintain formal parental/carer links with the school. This group meets monthly throughout the school session and is fully updated on school developments.
Community links have grown considerably in strength, and the school enjoys a Business Partnership agreement with Balfour Beatty, St Andrew’s Hospice and Bell’s – a long-established, local firm.
Our pupils readily support a number of local ventures within the community, including performances at local nursing homes and churches. In addition, through our Sports Leaders Award courses and Early Education and Childcare courses, senior pupils support our cluster primary and nursery schools through timetabled support.
Calderhead high school operates a close liaison system with all associated primaries. Following the issue of letters to primary seven parents to choose their child’s secondary school, a senior member of staff from Calderhead will visit all primary schools for initial consultations with primary seven teachers. Parents are issued with a copy of the school handbook. During the summer term, members of the guidance staff will interview all pupils transferring to Calderhead high school. Further discussion takes place with primary seven class teachers at this stage. A series of parents meetings are also held to give parents information about the school. The associated primary schools with Calderhead high school areDykehead Primary, Stane Primary, Allanton Primaryand Alexander Peden Primary.
Please use the ‘contact us’ box if you have any questions.